This is a DJ’s pick, love the lo fi feel of it and the heavy atmo, with it’s sparse keys in the back and the tender vocal that breezes over the ever changing but monotonous beat with an organic, almost live feel. Very solid production and nails the Zeitgeist of now and beyond. Enjoy the track and pull it out at your next sets. Well done Dunmore Park!
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***Don't be driven by fear and don't go chasing pleasure. You will lose yourself in the world, the external.
***If you cannot find the truth right where you are,where else do you expect to find it?
***Have you ever sat very quietly with closed eyes
and watched the movement of your own thinking?
Have you watched your mind working?
Or rather, has your mind watched itself in operation,
just to see what your thoughts are,
what your feelings are,
how you look at the trees, at the flowers,
at the birds, at people,
how you respond to a suggestion or react to a new idea?
Have you ever done this?
***Slow Down. You will not miss a thing, but you will find the entire universe. Slow down!