
House / Electronic / Techno / Nu-Disco / Deep House / Garage

nimino – Come For The Flowers (ft. Ina Shai)

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing…This song will give some minutes of pure stillness and joy. Don’t forget to see the little things in life, to be grateful for each and every day and to take care of your loved once the same way like you take care of yourself. (ok, you got me…this is my new favorite on my…

Mat McHugh – Strange Days (wolfskind Remix)

If you go this way you will get an idea of how much we appreciate Mat McHughs music. And actually even himself. Even more since we had the chance to have a chat on skype with him and his manager. Yep, to visit these guys is def one stop on our “CM travels the world and meets all the great music lovers…

Jean Blanc ft Chu – Dear Blue Sea

Just last week we had some beers with our friend Tobi aka Jean Blanc and he – like many others – seemed pretty desperate about the whole Soundcloud situation. Step by step the major labels are putting down all the good remixes, edits, mixtapes and mash ups which incorporate originals owned by them. You can open an endless conversation about the political…

kiiara – Gold

Outta nowhere this track pops up and its on repeat. I guess the fact that i don’t know anything about her/ the crew behind the tune or actually that i am just too lazy to google it makes it even > for me. The magic of discovering earworms and addictive chopped hooklines has a hold on me, and that’s a good thing.…