Author page: chrome

Solar Sailing

The age of the solar sail is upon us. A lotta Sci-Fi authors, moviemakers and comicbook artists have been talking about solar sailing. And now it’s finally here. Cosmos 1 – what it is. How it works – skip the intro and watch the explanatory video. I know the video is a bit reminiscent of Resident Evils Umbrella Corperation – but the…

Sandsation in Berlin

I need a new Sandsation: They are just having it up in Berlin. (which sounds like “up yoursâ€?), but any way, seems like the organizers in Berlin are just not clever enough to take some good pictures and put it on their site. So I had to check some dutch dude who got pictures from the dutch sandsation. Amazing gruly, and the…

Jacko over Iraq

Ok, Michael Jackson. Basically – who gives a fuck? I don’t care what he does unless it’s called “thrillerâ€?. Well after this whole crap – soap opera is over everybody seems to be left with a feeling of “oh, we let the paedophile get away just because he is famous/ or thank god he’s free – he is innocent and I knew…

the Face of Tomorrow

Excellent idea & site: The Face of Tomorrow (the human face of globalization). Select a city and watch. The Idea behind it: “The Face of Tomorrow attempts to find this face by taking photographs of the current inhabitants and compositing their faces to create a typical face. What we get is a new person – a mix of all the people in…

the Name Voyager

Let’s see how creative or en vogue your parents were with your name. The “Name Voyagerâ€? lets you see how popular your name was in the past decades (reaching back to the 1880ies!). Ps if your name is dawg or 50 cent – don’t even bother…