FYI: we had a little mix up on the dates. this saturday [14th] its Max Mausser & Beware and the next one [21st] its Chrome & D-Nice. The 28th stays the same with Schowi & Not:fx . And remember every week there is a new summer mix coming via our Newsletter. #1 & #2 are already out, #3 & #4 coming in the next two weeks. ps these mixtapes are newsletter exclusives. and will only be handed out in small amounts at the next parties. make sure to show up early to get a copy. see you on the weekends

Written By
*** i am a dj & producer veteran, built a 20 city spanning party network in germany, me & my team built the worlds first fully automated music label, i consult the comm industry & politicians. my work & passion at ChromeMusic has been a constant source for a&r's. ps i love the human spirit ;) ***