PSA: Summers finally about to start + 2 dates

its been raining cats n dogs lately and the shitty weather seems to have taken the road of the US economy, but seriously this weekend is promising to be great weather and the first days spent outdoors, if i can let go of the turntables. seriously i have grown so hungry for music lately, like discovering a whole new set of music or style of playing. last weekend i was so tired while playing (nothing helped) was drunk out of my mind and couldnt even control my records but honestly it was the weekend of the biggest fleamarket in the south of germany and i guess everybody was, i mean literally everybody, so people were totally worn out by the time they hit the clubs. you could just feel it and i was still sobering up from the night before, we played a show in frankfurt plus it was my bday so you know what went down.

ps there are two dates this weekend in dortmund and cologne. first off lets congratulate all 0f dortmund to their 2nd consecutive bundesliga win and cologne for being the cool place it always was :) love hanging out there. if you are in the are come down, folks. more music coming this week.
