This tune has been out for a while, but somehow i caught most of our YUM YUM Djs, including myself, playing this one again – must be the Zeitgeist :) (this word just sounds so wrong in german), no but honestly Schlachthofbronx is coming out with their album “Dirty Dancing” next week so let this be a reminder. (bronx via juno) [audio:]…

Our brand new Top Tunes are finally here, were supposed to be online last friday, and weedheads and djs are always late (i guess). But the selection is here right now and that is just in time for our upcoming chromemusic Blog Party on saturday @ yip yab munich. Some brand new über favourites as well as two old favourites made onto…
The Heatwave took Adele and Jamie XX bashment raving and introduced them to Cecile, Mr Lexx and Timberlee so they could make a HUGE dancehall version of Rolling In The Deep. Download it, play it loud and wheel it as many times as you like. [audio:] Rollin in the Heat (Heatwave Refix) – Adele/ Jamie XX/ Mr Lexx/ Cecile/ Timberlee