This song has been a favourite of mine for the past 6 months, at least. Had to put it on my latest Sweet Serenade effort. Never googled for the video until stumbling upon it. Check Burning Hearts full EP and more material
After a sleepless night i’m actually asking myself where my mind exactly is. [audio:] Sunday Girl – Where Is My Mind (The Pixies cover) We already had another beautiful cover version by Emmy The Great on our blog last year.
A new Sweet Serenade mixtape, when travelling the sunny lands or hanging out anyplace in the sunshine and enjoying nature and life. And even if you are somewhere completly different i hope you feel the warm rays through this music i selected. Mind the subtitle “Give you the heavens and the sunshine”. Enjoy the warm days, this summer, this very moment and…
Mat McHugh, Singer of the Beautiful Girls, released his new video to “Go don’t stop” of his same titled Ep (get it here), that came out last month. If you are into the laid back accoustic sounds of all the surf rock guys and bands out there, this will definitely reach you, i dig it a lot. This tune will also be…
[audio:] Ben Sollee – Only a Song (ft Jim James of My Morning Jacket) Taken from Ben Sollees “Something worth keeping” Ep. This si my favourite song for the last 10 days or so and thats along, long time these days. it will surely find its way on my new mixtape “Sweet Serenade Vol 2” – sure to be out around christmas.…