Koni sent me this one and i instantly liked it as it is exactly one possible way how music can sound today. I like the idea behind this remix project! This is exactly the sound i like to put on my headphones these days when i’m crousin’ through the city with my bike. Looking forward to Koni´s next projects! Follow Bryce Fox on Facebook // Twitter…
Nice one by The Hood Internet. [Audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/The-Hood-Internet-Union-Motivation-Little-Dragon-x-Kelly-Rowland3.mp3|titles=The Hood Internet – Union Motivation (Little Dragon x Kelly Rowland)] The Hood Internet – Union Motivation (Little Dragon x Kelly Rowland)
Another week with nothing else than average tunes and no mentionable new albums but an incredible heat wave all over the globe. So I decided to get over the silly season with a collection of my personal Top 8 songs to dance through hot summer nights (partially similar to Max idea). All of them a rather old (no new songs are included),…
Old track (roughly 3 years), but still awesome & besides that, it perfectly fits the weather today (finally, the sun returned to Munich!). So have fun listening to “Atmosphere”, enjoy the good weather and don’t miss YUM YUM @ Puerto Giesing tonight! [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Atmosphere-Sunshine.mp3] Atmosphere – Sunshine