This tune woke me up this morning, and it made me remember the days when these old time tunes where on heavy rotation at my house and when i used to play them at night. Great lovely tune, this goes out to all my searching friends, buddies and human compadres. Stop searching, its all right here, right now. Enjoy this tune [audio:]…

On Friday November 28th YUM YUM will be hitting Frankfurt. We’ll be playing at Walden, we get a lot of love and support from Julian Smith and my man Hannibal. Djs for that night will be Schu, Chrome, Schowi and FFMs main man Julian Smith. By the way – thats as far my own info goes… More as soon as i have gathered further intelligence. Whats a party PSA without at least one good tune?
[audio:]Frontin – Pharrell & Roy Ayres (classic YUM YUM version 2004)
About the tune..