[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/vampire-weekend_horchata-kid-cola-remix.mp3] Vampire-weekend_horchata-kid-cola-remix [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/01-Pina-Horchata.mp3] Pina Horchata – Stereogum x Team9 and another one by the same guys – nice version of the Cure and everyones Darling – Phoenix [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/05-Phoenix-Get-Cured.mp3] Phoenix Get Cured – Stereogum x Team 9
imma keep it real short, it was off the HOOK. Picknick was going mental for most of the night. I quit playing at 9.30!!! Berlin really appreciates the variety and openeness YUM YUM brings to the table. Heck this city lives it everyday. It was a bit like the who-is-who get together of all the heads in Berlin. Here is a bad,…
i don’t know how this song made its way on my lapper, but it goes down a storm every time i play it. 2008s most played pop tune gets the dubstep remix and – honestly – this is the only way left to play this tune. ps @ all djs – dubsteps real nice, but do not make your dubsteps breaks –…
i played all these tunes last saturday @ YUM YUM Berlin – full review coming soon. but seriously – just three quick tunes that you shouldnt miss out on, and you can add to your playlists, for those christmas days when you finally get a rest from all the crap and can kick back with some weed, a new video game or…
Super Cat got me into Reggae – here is the promised 2nd part to some of his music and some songs from his early 90ies album “Don Dada”, which i caught a glimpse of while i was in NY in 93/94. Flex was on the radio, Souls of Mischief proclaimed the year to be timeless, Black Moon had everyone open and Wu-Tang…

This is it folks the place to be this Saturday if you are anywhere near and in Berlin – and if you dont know this spot – don’t bother. Here are some tunes and edits that fit the YUM YUM sound in Berlin, hand selected by my man Schowi. The Flyers simply nice. Its the YUM YUM Berlin 1 year anniversary, cause…