[haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Alors-on-Danse-YUM-YUM-Summers-here-version.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Alors on Danse (chromes accoustic version) A full on accoustic version. enjoy. ps Yes its a YUM YUM version!

Since the beginning of YUM YUM dates back over 5 years we thought it might be nice to share all our reworks and edits we made over the years with y’all – starting today. Not only you’ll get a ton of original work over the next weeks but also you’ll see how we developed over time and boy we came a long…
This song has been a favourite of mine ever since i heard it first, a long, long time ago and anyone who has known me since the age of 18 knows ho much i was into this music instead of the then popular charts – i was a huge Al Green fan and his take on soul music. For those of you…
A true sade classic got the Paul Nice remix treatment some time ago, or rather the Lummidee drums, but anyways this one been a favourite with us for a long, long time. I especially liked that he added that short audio clip in the beginning wih that guy singing a few lines from this tune, which is taken froma DVD before her…

Big up to Cookin Soul, as usual they deliver the goods. Best remix of “Hello Brooklyn”to this date. A new reuse of Quincy Jones “Summer in the City”, there have been a huge stack of songs using that very same sample during the years, like Dj Spinna, the Roots, Black Moon, Nightmares on wax etc, etc – the list goes on and…