a wonderful gem of a mixtape released by Studio 51.15 – check their website for more material website and other gems. another great find by markus [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/01-Chapter-2-_-The-Wonderful-Life-Of-Medulla-Oblongata.mp3] Erykah Badu Mix – The Wonderful Life Of Medulla Oblongata Studio 51.15 Chapter 2: The Wonderful Life Of Medulla Oblongata by Studio 51.15
more versions of Foster the Peoples Überhit – and i thought it was GAME ÜBER (to quote last weeks Futurama, best episode this season btw) with remixes and covers of this tune, but this outstanding cover deserves to be brought to you in a standalone post. couldn’t find a proper pic of some 90ies pumped up kicks, but nobodys gonna shoot you…

{Image via Torypedia’s July 15th Entry} Quite a big selection this month since we havent had any Top Tunes on the blog in August due to our redesign and all the work it brought along. Hope you manage to enjoy these tunes in the last rays of sunshine this summer has to offer [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Busy-Signal-Dem-Nyam-Anything.mp3] Busy Signal – Dem Nyam Anything [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Sister-Nancy-vs.-Lauryn-Hill-Never-Lost-One-Wick-it-Remix.mp3] Sister Nancy…
Here is a quick playlist and roundup of some of my favourite dancehall tunes this past month (including Ms Dynamite). Here is the tracklist: Some Friends (Retro Riddim) – Mr Vegas Pon Dem – Busy Signal 9 TO 5 – Delly Ranks Girl Next Door (Soca Refix) – Gappy Ranks Feat. Gyptian Could Runaway – Delly Ranx Feat Gappy Ranks Certain Law – Mr. Vegas Neva Soft – Ms…

Your Love keeps lifting me higher & higher. Summers back, and while being in the mood for some sunny music i came across this Jackie Wilson classic, so i did this little re-edit this morning. will surely play it out the next time i hit the tables, but this weekend we all djs here at chromemusic have off, so have fun with…