Tag: reggae

Romain Virgo and Larry Gatlin – California

Great find by Samira out of our YUM YUM Top tunes group on facebook. Hope you enjoy this reggae-ish country song as much as we do. [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Romain-Virgo-and-Larry-Gatlin-California.mp3] Romain Virgo and Larry Gatlin – California

Timberlee: Gunny Gunny Schlachthofbronx Remix

This tune has been out for a while, but somehow i caught most of our YUM YUM Djs, including myself, playing this one again – must be the Zeitgeist :)  (this word just sounds so wrong in german), no but honestly Schlachthofbronx is coming out with their album “Dirty Dancing” next week so let this be a reminder. (bronx via juno) [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Gunny-Gunny-Schlachthofbronx-Remix.mp3]…

Jahtari ft Solo Banton “Music Addict”

Although originally from 2009, it just came out in late 2011, or at least thats when it was available to me. Taken from the Solo Banton EP “Music Addict” Out via Juno peoples. Great tune and a current favourite of mine, fits in any mix and breaks down everything.

Artwork by the amazing Lover Smith (do yourself a favour and check him out)


The Skints – On A Mission (Katy B Cover)

In my opinion, a magnificent reggae-ish cover version of Katy B’s dub-pop song ‘On A Mission’. I hope you like and enjoy it as much as i do. [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/The-Skints-On-A-Mission-Katy-B-Cover.mp3] The Skints – On A Mission (Katy B Cover)

a very, very long … musical roundup :)

i have been off the radar for a minute, building our own venue, i mean proper handywork and figuring out the feel of things, not too much the style at first, but the soul is something that eminates from within in my humble opinion, so i was worrying about the feel of things and i think i pointed it into the right…