Tag: reggae

Aloe Blaccs live pres by chromemusic & friends

Aloe Blacc live in Munich last week presented by chromemusic & kongress. Here are 2 recap videos, great show, great guy and overall fun night! enjoy the videos! via YUM YUM youtube channel Aloe doing a Latin/ Reggae Version of his hit anthem “i need a dollar” with a short Police, Bob Marley interpolation in the middle. Very YUM YUM of him…

YUM YUM Top Tunes for October

[haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/dem-a-pree-edit.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Mr Lexx “Dem a pree” (chrome YUM YUM edit) [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/01-Seven-Nation-Army.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Ben L’oncle Soul “Seven Nation Army” [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/mark_ronson_and_the_business_intl-bang_bang_bang_album_version.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Mark Ronson and the Business Intl “Bang Bang Bang” [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Lost-in-the-World.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Kanye West & Bon Iver – “Lost in the World” [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/cecile-ladies-in-the-club.mp3″ title=”Title of…

Bruno Mars – Liquor Store Blues

Hawaiian RnB-singer Bruno Mars is about to release his album “Doo-Wops & Hooligans” on october 5th. The first song of the record – Liquor Store Blues, featuring Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley – sounds promising, so you might wanna check out the Album, too. [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Bruno-Mars-Liquor-Store-Blues.mp3] Bruno Mars – Liquor Store Blues

Caribbean Girl Riddim

I really enjoy this riddim, because it picks up the positive “island-vibe” that you hardly get to hear in dancehall music anymore without it sounding corny. I put up my three favorite tunes on this by Beenie Man, chromemusic-favorite Cecile and Busy Signal (of course). So put these on your iPods – or whatever your listening device of choice is – and…

YUM YUM Top Tunes for September

Summers almost over, so enjoy the last rays of sunshine. these tuens will definitely help to keep some sunlight in you. Just int ime for this weeks YUM YUM in munich. tast these fine wines, all beautiful tunes to nice up your days. enjoy [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/01-Your-Gospel.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Dub Kweli – Your Gospel [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/ronson-ghostface-lose-it.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Mark…