Tag: mp3

Rolling In The Heat (The Heatwave Refix)

The Heatwave took Adele and Jamie XX bashment raving and introduced them to Cecile, Mr Lexx and Timberlee so they could make a HUGE dancehall version of Rolling In The Deep. Download it, play it loud and wheel it as many times as you like. [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/theheatwave-adelejamiexx-rollingintheheat-320.mp3] Rollin in the Heat (Heatwave Refix) – Adele/ Jamie XX/ Mr Lexx/ Cecile/ Timberlee

Cris Cab – All of the Lights

  Cris Cab is mir bereits mit seinem Black & Yellow Cover aufgefallen und auch sein Cover von “All of the Lights”  ist hörenswert. [Audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/All-of-the-Lights-Remix-Cris-Cab-Cover.mp3] All-of-the-Lights-Remix-Cris-Cab-Cover

Chromemusic Fanpage hits 4000 members

Thank You to so many people for showin interesst in our blog and network, we´ll do our best to keep up the good work and develop the site steadily. Coincedentally I recently uploaded my 4000th song into serato, and here you have it No Chromemusic Fanpage member yet? Join here [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Pete-Yorn-e-Scarlett-Johansson-Relator.mp3] Pete Yorn e Scarlett Johansson – Relator

Remix Competition: John Legend – Rolling in the Deep

This acapella really found it´s way throughout the last corners of the internet over the past week, and since John Legend has been a YUM YUM favourite since or especially because of his first record and “Rolling in the Deep” is one of the biggest tunes out there right now – we thought it would be fun to make a little remix…

Adele – I`ll be waiting

Sending out some Love! Einen schönen Track hören! Spüren das der Frühling vor der Tür steht! Einen kleinen Moment lang die schnelle Welt zur Ruhe kommen lassen und kurz den Wunsch äußern das für viele Menschen in vielen Ländern dieser Welt, die harte Zeiten durch machen, wieder bessere Tagen kommen. [Audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Adele-Ill-Be-Waiting.mp3] Adele – I’ll Be Waiting