Jakubi, our new darling from Australia is back with another smooth summerish song and in case you’ve missed their debut song “Can’t afford it all”, my favourite so far, you really should listen to it right here.

Jakubi, our new darling from Australia is back with another smooth summerish song and in case you’ve missed their debut song “Can’t afford it all”, my favourite so far, you really should listen to it right here.
Living these days in southern germany, i would even flip burgers like collie budz here, if i could do it on the bermudas! [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Holiday.mp3] Collie Buddz – Holiday
This has been my ringtone for almost 2 years. Love this live version that was recorded in New Zealand back in ???. Enjoy. And Jack kinda raps at the very end. I don’t mind anyone calling me anymore, when the ringtone is allready so relaxed – makes you think of Hamaks and heavy couching. [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/holiday-jack-jonson-glove.mp3] holiday-jack-jonson-glove