[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Ghostfunk-The-Same-Girl.mp3] Ghostfunk – The Same Girl Download the full ‘Ghostfunk’ album here.
Ghostfunk is a remix project by Max Tannone. It pairs Wu-Tang member Ghostface Killah with vintage African funk, high-life, and psychedelic rock music. Check out the official site: Ghostfunk PS Max Tannone was also responsible for the highly enjoyable Dub Kweli and the awesome Mos Dub Remix projects . So after Talib & Mos Def he takes on the Wu’s Ghostface and…
Two artist that have released 2 killah tunes, i mean fiiire, but were nowhere to be found on our site, while i was vacationing. How come? These tunes even made it into our YUM YUM Sept Top tunes. Cant miss out on these two, especially since i am dropping both in every set!! First its Mark Ronson & Ghostface Killah with “Get…

Summers almost over, so enjoy the last rays of sunshine. these tuens will definitely help to keep some sunlight in you. Just int ime for this weeks YUM YUM in munich. tast these fine wines, all beautiful tunes to nice up your days. enjoy [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/01-Your-Gospel.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Dub Kweli – Your Gospel [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/ronson-ghostface-lose-it.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Mark…