Tag: ghostface

YUM YUM meets STW2D // Stüssy Tribute Party

Right now there is an ongoing exhibition taking place in Bochum featuring the past, present and future of streetwear and its culture called the live magazine which is hosted by Streetwear Today (stw2d). We are very happy to announce that we are going to throw a massive YUM YUM next Friday, Sep. 24th at this very joint. During the day the Stüssy…

YUM YUM Top Tunes for September

Summers almost over, so enjoy the last rays of sunshine. these tuens will definitely help to keep some sunlight in you. Just int ime for this weeks YUM YUM in munich. tast these fine wines, all beautiful tunes to nice up your days. enjoy [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/01-Your-Gospel.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Dub Kweli – Your Gospel [haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/ronson-ghostface-lose-it.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Mark…

the computer love post

OK you’ve seen this picture before at our last computer love post which featured ghostface killah’s rework of the classic Zapp & Roger tune. Since there is a new version of Lil Kim floating around it’s time for a little computer love roundup and of course I couldn’t drop the classic 90s R&B version featuring Jigga Jay-Zed  …”play it in your rover…

Computer Love – Ghostface & Zapp

Well finally my favourite 80ies Band gets sampled and Computer Love is a song that still gives me the goosebumps. Actually sounds more like a mashup to me, but who’s to draw the line? Kick back and enjoy the sounds of R. Troutman & Martin Luther Bling. Will surely find its way into each and every one of my sets. We salute…