Berlin based singer/rapper/producer .fab with an extraordinary good debut single and video called ‘Wann Warst Du Da’ and is part of his upcoming first album ‘Schnelles Glück’. Keep this young fella on your radar cause his journey has just begun. Follow .fab on Soundcloud ::: Facebook ::: Youtube
Fresh 90s vibes by Hamburg based Ace Tee, Kwam.e and producer plusma. Support them if you like to, grab your download over here and watch the video here. Follow Ace Tee on Instagram ::: Soundcloud ::: Facebook Kwam.e on Soundcloud // plusma on Soundcloud
Hey young world! We are back babay! The YUM YUM’s & Mat McHugh – [YY:MM] Dear friends, followers, haters, debaters, jokers, smokers, late night talkers, people who judge on the spot, those who love on the spot and those who feel infinite! It’s been a minute since i put out my own music, besides initially producing Lions Head, but this here’s an…
Unser Yum Yum Berlin Mann Schowi, nicht wenigen bekannt als Massive Töne Rapper und Produzent, hat vor 13 Jahren auch Deutschlands größtes eintägiges HipHopFestival, die MTV HipHopOpen mitgegründet und passend zur 10ten Ausgabe eine Allstar Compilation rausgebracht, die sich wie das Who is Who der deutschen HipHop-Geschichte liest. Und anhört. Amis wie Cypress Hill, LL Cool J, Ludacris, Camp Lo und Masta Ace sind auch dabei, weil sie alle schonmal bei den HipHopOpen gespielt haben. 30 absolute “Big Tunes”, die meisten kennt man womöglich auswendig, was einem klar werden läßt, wie groß HipHop hierzulande geworden ist. Eine amtliche Pflichtsammlung.
Krautrock – The Rebirth Of Germany from Dood Lijk on Vimeo. Documentary which looks at how a radical generation of musicians created a new German musical identity out of the cultural ruins of war. Between 1968 and 1977 bands like Neu!, Can, Faust and Kraftwerk would look beyond western rock and roll to create some of the most original and uncompromising music ever…
The only thing i know about Y’akoto is that i’ve watched her Tamba video after the release and totally underestimated her. Today i’ve found her EP on iTunes and bought a copy instantly. Enjoy this little musical collection i’ve made for you and make sure to support her. During november she’s on tour with ‘Joy Denalane’ from germany and french-nigerian based singer…