Tag: Fun

Hoodie Allen – James Franco

Als Hoodie Allen im July “Leap Year” veröffentlichte überlies er den Fans die Wahl zu welchem Lied dieses Pojektes ein Video gedreht werden sollte. Die Fans entschieden sich für “James Franco”. Hoodie selbst zu dem Video: “I really hope you enjoy this video – we had a ton of fun making it. Download “Leap Year”


Marshall Alexander the creator of the famous Foldskool Heroes just recently released his third series of Foldskool Heroes personal customs based on vintage game consoles. Fold your own. [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/love-to-the-world.mp3] Rob 3 “love-to-the-world” another wonderful Rob 3 track, this time remixing the original track that were the roots n samples to plant lifes hit in 05.