Tag: edit

new massive YUM YUM, this Saturday August 14th in Munich

Date Saturday, Aug 14th Venue Puerto Giesing, Munich (via Google Maps) DJs Chrome // Max Mausser /Not:fx Facebook Event RSVP to the Party Facebook Group Join us Top Tunes August Listen After the last fabulous and Über-massive YUM YUM a few weeks back (where even a dozen “Stormtroopers” showed up), which now already seems like years ago, we are really looking forward…

YUM YUM Top Tunes for august 2010

Enjoy this months YUM YUM top tunes selection, as always tried and tested. Hopefully the suns gonna c0me back soon so we can really start enjoying this summer. Ps Its all a ride anyway, so enjoy it all & let a little love in your heart [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Drop-It-Like-Its-Hot-Snoop-Dogg-vs.-Alina-Orlova3.mp3] Neon Hitch – “Drop it like its hot” (Snoop) [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Andre-3000-All-Together-Now-_The-Beatles-Cover.mp3] Andre 3000 – All Together…

Alors on Danse (chromes accoustic version)

[haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Alors-on-Danse-YUM-YUM-Summers-here-version.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”] Alors on Danse (chromes accoustic version) A full on accoustic version. enjoy. ps Yes its a YUM YUM version!

simply beautiful …by Al Green

This song has been a favourite of mine ever since i heard it first, a long, long time ago and anyone who has known me since the age of 18 knows ho much i was into this music instead of the then popular charts – i was a huge Al Green fan and his take on soul music. For those of you…

Sade “Nothing can come between us” (Paul Nice edit)

A true sade classic got the Paul Nice remix treatment some time ago, or rather the Lummidee drums, but anyways this one been a favourite with us for a long, long time. I especially liked that he added that short audio clip in the beginning wih that guy singing a few lines from this tune, which is taken froma  DVD before her…