New YUM YUM coming this Saturday, April 2nd at munichs prestigeous Praterinsel (via google maps)
Finally, while still waiting for our new club to happen, we decided it was about time, to have one proper YUM YUM in Munich this Saturday, and also a second one at Praterinsel on April 30th. This is gonna be a massive night with the dj duties up to chrome, max & smileyface d-nice. Make sure to RSVP to YUM YUM on Facebook.
We have a Short Mixtape prepared called “YUM YUM Sunshine inside” which you can grab here. Its a teaser for the full upcoming new YUM YUM mixtape, out mid April. Have fun and see you Saturday
YUM YUM “Sunshine inside” (short mix pt1)
Pt 2 is coming soon (put them both together and you have a proper mixtape)