Here is Pomo’s edit i’ve promised you to share earlier this week. Make sure to grab your free download over here: Pomo on Soundcloud ::: Facebook Sade on Facebook ::: Twitter

Here is Pomo’s edit i’ve promised you to share earlier this week. Make sure to grab your free download over here: Pomo on Soundcloud ::: Facebook Sade on Facebook ::: Twitter
While you’re sitting in front of your computer, making an edit of any song, there is always the question – is it worth it. I asked myself that question first. But i realized very quickly while i played the edit live for the first time, that it is worth to re-arrange, add some drums, put a baseline onto and mix it with…
Our new Top Tunes for November are finaly ready and we hope they will warmen up your heart as winter is about to begin over here in Munich Germany. Listen, love & share it with your pals +in order to see which track is downloadable for free or via iTunes, hit the tracklist beneath the player <3
Tracklist + Downloads after the jump >>
Jill Scott, Anthony Hamilton and LNTG everybody!
More LNTG after the jump…
Our YUM YUM edit of german Rapper Marteria is ready for your I-Pod. Just in time for our 9th Birthday party tomorrow @ Reitschule Munich. See you on the dancefloor!
A pack to celebrate the return of YUM YUM Munich on October 26th after our 3 month break Well brandnew may be a bit overstated, but the package | compilation itself is new. Frequent visitors of chromemusic have seen or better yet heard these remixes & versions throughout all of 2013, most were not available so far, but here you go. A) Our latest…