Give it a listen and you know what we in for here, classy material.
Without telling you or for that matter anyone else we made some changes on ChromeMusic over the last couple of weeks. A you might have noticed – you are finally able to listen to all music right from the frontpage without making this extra and honestly ‘oh-so-90ies’ step by opening each and every single post anymore. Now any kid of our no-brain-apple…
Wolfskind is back and with a vengeance! This is pretty much everything i want in a track. Played it this week, while out deejaying, and the crowd ate it up. Actually played it right after one of Odezsa’s strongest tracks and the crowd went even more into a frenzy. I am having the pleasure of guiding Wolfskind on his way, from very…
Simply beautiful vibes by twenty six year old musician and deep house producer Ben Phipps from Stockholm Sweden garnished with sweet vocals by Ashlyn, a twenty two year old singer songwriter from California. Great symbiosis between both and we’re looking forward for more to come. Ben Phipps on Facebook ::: Twitter ::: Soundcloud Ashe on Facebook ::: Soundcloud