Top Friend this Thursday, Sept 24th @Liga – Huuuge

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Thiiis ones gonna be big, with one of our YY brothers/ partners from Vienna – Fuctinist coming down for another surehot gig this Thursday @Top Friend. Yes, we are going in for a kill. Djs Functionist, Not:fx et Chrome. With the oktoberfest in town there are gonna be even more mad hatters at the place – but a straight no drunk policy, fellas – ladies too.

Functionist is Dj Bewares partner (our main man in Vienna) and these two music-addicts are running the widely popular and by the way only upfront and real innovative show on FM4 – Unlimited/UNLTD – check their blog. Big fan here, support UNLTD on facebook and give it a listen every mon-fr between 2 and 3pm.

RSVP to the event on facebook

Join the Top Friend Party Munch group on Facebook


Oro mo Bhaidin Mixtape

pspsps – BIIIIIIG THAAAANK YOUS FOR EVERYBOOODY COMING DOWN THE LAST TIME. Me and Stevie Mac had a blast of blast. Top Friend Party already the one and only place to go to on a Thursday.

Our Friend and new-found buddy Koala from Trondheim sent us this mix here, which he did on a short note last friday, a quite enjoyable mix in the vein and tradition of chromemusic – thank you Stig, nice one.
