Don’t know if my Dj Partner Jaws has seen this yet, since he’s currently on tour with his band: the Poets of Rhythm. Should be of interest since he is signed to the Quanum Collective. This is their nice single from some time ago “I changed my mind” with a neat new animation.[tags]Animation, Quanum[/tags]
Code Hunters Best Commercial outr at present – if that’s what it is. Supposed to be for Mtv Asia. Its more of an 15 min long anime sci-fi/ western mix short movie or something that is just breathtaking to watch. [tags]Code Hunters, Mtv Asia, Animation, Anime, Sci-Fi,[/tags]
A guy from FlickR named Naughton 321 and his amazing set of photos. Stumpled upon it – very natural, very breathing and organic. [tags]Flickr, Photography, Naughton 321[/tags]
the Gnarls Barkley Video for “Crazy” should be all over MTV by last week although its a great clip. They should do a clip of this song, which is in my eyes the brightest moment on the entire Album. “Smiley Faces” Goes down a storm when ya play it. Listen to it on their website.[tags]Gnarls Barkley, Smiley Faces, Crazy, Video, [/tags]
Read other peoples dreams &possibly post your own at – – Amusing and find of the day. [tags]Dream, Nightmare, Imagination, Subliminal[/tags]
A directory of dead myspace members. A note to myspace (from A Scientific Approach to Myspace’s Failure. Using the power of Google searches, I hope to prove why is a failure of humanity. I’m not debating whether Myspace offers a good system or service, I’m only lamenting the place it has become thanks to its user base. There are good…