There’s this little holiday coming up next Monday. So we figured we’d do another BeeBo Party the day before – this Sunday. Not only because the last one was awesome but also due to the fact that there is nothing better going on anyways, so we might as well have ourselves a little mash & soul drinkfest with YUM YUM Sound this…
steven seagal cartoons. not much too say, but these are hilarious. finally a seagal parody. [tags]Steven Seagal, Cartoon, Super retarded dog[/tags]
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Chuck Norris jokes are really old by now, but a couple of new lines came in along such classics as “Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.” Go check them yourself at chuck-norris-facts. com[tags]Chuck Norris, Carnage, Abomination, Overlord, Master, Death, Destruction[/tags]
Medical Drugs and their little side effects. “Ask your doctor for a reason to take them” Great parody.[tags]Drugs, Medicine, Health care, Pharma companies, side effects, [/tags]
Animal actors and where they are today… Guess where. [tags]Free Willy, Animal, Movie star, Beethoven, Bob, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie[/tags]