the marvel secret wars reenactment society… Hilarious… from [tags]Marvel, Secret Wars, Geek, Nerds, Super Heroes, [/tags]
Yo Gabba Gabba – the mind twisting new children show that seems to aim more at the post-hiphop, mid thirty, design nerds that are desperately looking for a bridge to gap between the 70ies-infected, retro-new york old school and the future (that of course is dictated by younger and way more spoiled folks). in fact it is just as retarded a show…
Great movie kill Bill and his sequel pasted to together to tell the story in 2 minutes. kill bill 1 & 2 in 120 seconds . also enjoy Tarnatinos first movie reservoir dogs in 30 seconds [tags]Kill Bill, Tarantino, Reservoir Dogs, Oren Ishi, Uma Thurman[/tags]
the history of dance is awesome – also the most watched u-tube clip ever. outstanding comedy [tags]tzhe history of dance, comedy[/tags]
A truly massive one, went down. Friday was out of control, although the weather nearly killed us. that unprecedented heatwave hit us like a hammer and i still don’t get how you people could have have possibly emptied the bar? but you did and i am not talking soft drinks. Anyhow it wasn’t that hot inside the club, was it.?! without air-conditioning?!?…
a fellow human trying to live solely of monkey food.what an ambitious venture. The Monkey Chow Diaries.[tags]Monkey Food, Ape Society, Monkeys rule[/tags]