This song doesn’t need a drop :) Follow Sophie on Soundcloud ::: Twitter ::: Facebook
This song doesn’t need a drop :) Follow Sophie on Soundcloud ::: Twitter ::: Facebook
Sometimes the only thing we need in this world, is to escape from our daily routines or daily impressions and drag ourselfs into something new. This can be a country we’ve never been before or simply a new song we can listen & dance to all day long. This song transports that kind of freedom we all carry within ourselfs and is…
“Silence is a beautiful thing, but it is often intentionally blocked from our lives because we choose to avoid reality. Sometimes in order to find the truth, we need not run from the quiet, but rather embrace it.” – Feki Feki on Soundcloud ::: Instagram ::: Facebook
Vanessa White on Twitter ::: Instagram ::: Facebook
Luis and Max alias Lu Crative & Sowlmate are two young musicians from munich germany and this is their first single. Grab your Free Download if you like to and follow their journey as it has only just begun. Lu Crative & Sowlmate on Youtube ::: Instagram ::: Facebook
Little to none is know about the electric duo calles PINES from Adelaide Australia. This is their second original song after “All You Need” and if this is just the beginning, what will come next? Great stuff, keep it up! Follow PINES on Soundcloud ::: Facebook ::: Twitter