Door #20: Reece’ntly Added – “Driving Home For Christmas…”

Reecen’tly added is quite an understatement. This playlist could easily be named “101 In Hit-Writing”, “Breaking BIG-TIME Soon” or “Still Somewhat Under The Radar”. Beyond working an incredibly talented and kind human being I love the fact that Reece can appreciate and find music in all those varied places – appreciating good songwriting when he hears it and is always hungry for…

Door #19: Sonnengruss – Talking In Your Sleep

Pretty boy Toby scores with each track he releases. This one is a co-op/feature with Kids X-factor runner up Richard Istel who has a mind-blowing voice for a now 18y old fella. The original is one of my favourite 80’s tracks so i was at first skeptical, but anything that is positive, danceable with a good vibe is a score in my…

Door #18: Temple Haze – Agape (Piano Cover)

Beautiful piece of art by Mr Temple. Classy tribute or cover. I think the original is by Bear’s Den, didn’t bother looking it up, you are supposed to enjoy music not write an essay about it. This man is a composer, singer and producer and you can literally feel it in everythig he does. There is a certain depth to his art…

Door #17: C.O.W. 牛 – #niuworldorder

I’ve written about these guys before and I most certainly will continue to do so in the future. After very successful media-coverage on the likes of COMPLEX, Arte TRACKS and Bandcamp Daily (much love) and the signing to the very successful and renown Munich label Compost Records, this German-Chinese producer-collective still remains a somewhat hidden gem. The playlist these gifted individuals created…