
Guess what popped up in our mailbox? Right – new material by Vandelux. “Bright Lights” marks his first original release including his very own vocals which i haven’t realized on my first listen. The style differs a bit from his already known releases, but i have to admit that i like every single bar. This is what the young Canadian himself has to say about his latest release:

My original intention was to keep the track super mellow from start to finish but I ended up with some pretty gritty synths that I couldn’t resist working into the breakdowns. The second breakdown was originally pretty hardcore but after losing a bunch of work in a program crash I was left with about half of the breakdown I started with. Surprisingly, the accidental de-clutter gave the track some room to breathe and it actually sounded a lot better than where I had it originally, so I just kept it. Actually, I learn a lot from accidents.

Grab your Free Download if you like to and follow him on Soundcloud or Facebook.
