TOP FRIEND Party this Thursday w/ Treasure Fingers, DJ Chrome, Dan Gerous & Irving Jr.

all right, next thur – top friend night is back @erste liga. djs r our newby Irving Jr, dan gerous aka Disco Dan, myself and the Treasure Fingers whom i count to be among the elite of the dancefloor sound. Famous for his Fools Gold remixes, the below attached Miike Snow retreat and an overall funky feel to all his tunes. Just search this blog for more of his previous releases if you havent already. Thats pretty much the top friend sound that has been lacking for the last montsh or so and i reckon this to be a great night – just soundwise. Lets make this one a good one in green hell.

Dani is giving away some free tickets for Thur – so send a mail to before 1 pm on Thur and she ll let some good people win;-)

RSVP to the Party on facebook.

Treasure fingers on ::::twitter::::myspace::::


Mike Snow – Animal (Treasure Fingers Remix)
