The Winner of our Wonderwall Remix competition and all the commotion is has caused

2461402455_eca81db3ba_b.jpg Time to clean up.
So it’s a week later and we found out that someone cheated, some people didn’t find the post because it was not on top of the page (and scrolling seems not to be very widespread), someone got the help from other websites (which is legal) and some one got angry because of this and that. But hey it was supposed to be fun, the more rules you put into such a thing the more you take away from the music. BUT ANYWAY – THE NEXT COMPETITION WILL START ON THE 2ND OF OCTOBER.

So anyhow it is a week past (and what an exhausting week it was) and the RIGHTFUL winner of our first remix competition is DJY Alias JY with his “Processed Wonderwall“. He is got a solid 16.000 + downloads with help and support from other sites (like his own, audioporn, mashupfr etc), which to us is a 100% legal. And so the prize goes out to him. We’ll have the winner and his pair of sneakers extrordinaire online. (Funny enough the runner up was really close – on an exact acount – i am not suggesting anything – other people already did that) SO NEXT TIME WE WILL HAVE A PROPER VOTING SYSTEM. I still like the idea of a remix competition, thats why so many people participated and it is definitely fun to listen to so many diverse versions of the same song.— Next week on October 2nd we will start a new Remix Competition and we won’t host it on zshare as it is too easily corrupted. Another way will be chosen or we’ll have the remixes on our server to check the ip adresses.

One more thing – i would like to THANK EVRYONE FOR PARTCIPATING and taking the time to make a great version of this song. PS. because of all this rumpus we didn’t even post our very own YUM YUM version. Its coming with the start of next month.
