Alex and Drew alias The Chainsmokers created an uplifting new earworm and i especially like the video esthetics here. This song is bound to be huge and already has awesome 11M views on Youtube in just three days! This is what they’ve said about their latest release:

The song is actually about something very personal. Its about a friend of ours who struggled with a serious addiction and over the course of this lived in this fantasy world with his GF thinking life was great and they were just down for each other thinking they were living in this wonderful day dream of a life but in reality their lives were falling apart as well as the people around them. But the song in a more general sense is about those times when you are one place in one situation but imagine you are somewhere else. Like those times you were laying in bed staring at the ceiling dreaming up a different situation. If you notice lyrically it jumps between Paris, and a small town…

The Chainsmokers on Instagram ::: Facebook ::: Soundcloud
