[alert-note]Hey all, tomorrow a few buddies of mine threw together a party called LOVE from ABOVE. Them guys is a nice bunch of folks with the idea to bring back the sounds of days gone by, with the much needed fun part, missing in most of todays music, plus a few modern day tunes patched into the mix, that are in the same vein.  So  guess, if you are somewhat part of the generation that values soulful music, THIS ONES for YOU. Taking place in munich with conoisseurs Friction & Schowi (on the next date), who both have a deep knowledge in soul, discofunk and them tunes that make your hips go 360 degrees. I threw together this quick mixtape and i think its perfect for these hot summer nights[/alert-note]

Love from above mixtape

[button-blue url=”https://www.facebook.com/events/316839965140436/?fref=ts” target=”_blank” position=”center”]RSVP to LOVE from ABOVE[/button-blue]

Press Play and enjoy the sweet gifs of the Soul Train era!tumblr_mqwuxw526M1qm8kt6o1_250 tumblr_mytiuoDnQQ1rkpfaro1_500 tumblr_mzqgu4mbTG1rtcm2qo1_250

[alert-announce]Yes, and even Jacko smiled :)[/alert-announce] tumblr_n00ojtlpKW1qedt5eo1_250

[button-blue url=”https://www.facebook.com/events/316839965140436/?fref=ts” target=”_blank” position=”center”]RSVP to LOVE from ABOVE[/button-blue]

[alert-note]And if you are a cracker like me, maybe Bowie can show you the right moves :)[/alert-note]

bowie-mic photo-2 photo-4

[button-red url=”https://soundcloud.com/yum-yum/love-from-above-a-short-disco-mixtape” target=”_blank” position=”center”]FREE DOWNLOAD[/button-red]
