Kate and Janelle – Star Witness (Neko Case cover)

This live cover version was recorded last december in the stairwell of a famed canadian high schools in peterborough, canada. Some bureaucratic canadian authority (committee) chose to close the one school that focuses on unique arts. Here are two graduates from that school performing a song and giving support to their fight to keep their school open. The finer things in life are the first to go, when the rich start losing money. Don’t let them close down schools – Support them here – http://peterboroughneedspcvs.com/

I honestly think, that if these talented young girls were to put their songs on kickstarter in a form of a cd or download, they could raise a whole lot of money, if not for their cause, then at least for their fight. And i would love to put one of your songs on my Sweet Serenade Mixtapes, which i will.

This song is so hauntingly beautiful a youtube comment said it best: “I can’t stop listening to this, or even watching it. These two girls are beyond beautiful. You can feel everything, even if you don’t know what it is you’re feeling. Even the smile exchanges that they share make this song that much more beautiful. There’s nothing like finding new music like this, you wonder how you went your whole life before without it. To think how lost you’d feel if someone were to just take it away tomorrow!I”

Well no need to feel lost, once you have heard it you can’t unhear it :)  Enjoy this tune

more songs by these two beautiful ladies – brownmeadowbird on youtube
