YUM YUM Ingolstadt this Saturday

YUM YUM loves Maki and Maki loves YUM YUM. Diesmal eine volle Breitseite von Max Mausser, denn er ist solo zu Gast. Ein Klassiker unter den YUM YUM DJs. Einer aus der Gründerväterzeit sozusagen, der für 100% YUM YUM Sound steht! Dazu eine Premiere, und zwar kommt Superior als Host und Residnet DJ. Ein Eingeborener, der sich in seiner Heimatstadt allseits großer…


Here is a little drum edit of The Beatle’s Yesterday I did. Fits perfectly into my warm up set. Hope y’all enjoy it. [audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Yesterday-Tand-Williams-Drum-Edit.mp3] Yesterday (Tand Williams Drum Edit)

Short recap of YUM YUM Nrw w. DJ Ayres

There is honestly not a lot to say besides that it was an über-awesome schnitzelgiggen fest. In fact some people were even too awesome and so we had to let them go. DJ Ayres and I kicked it back and forth and we had such a nice time with him. Hope you make it safe to Dublin and see you soon mate.…

YUM YUM this Sat, Nov. 21st @ 100Meister

Another YUM YUM approaching this Saturday, Nov 21st. You’ll be in for a treat with our buddy DJ Ayres from NYC and myself. After the outstanding performances of his THE RUB affiliates Cosmo and Eleven I have no doubt that Saturday will line up with those. One thing though… and I can’t stress this out enough!! Please be an early bird!! We…