THE NYC Anthem meets Cams mellow, Commodores “Easy” sampling 2002 classic. [audio:] Empire State of Mind (Chrome.Yum.Yum.Easy.Edit)
finally, all us YUM YUM guys are playing like a team again – with a new home it changed drastically, it was everything last weekend but the same old, same old. i loved it! the last 1,5 y have been hard dj wise, but only in munich, playing the big areas only – there was no way you could break any new…
Hallo Zusammen, wir haben zwei grosse News zu verkünden. Zum Einen haben wir nach den vielen, verfeierten Locations einen eigenen Club, den wir ab dem 1.1.2012 unser Zuhause nennen. Der Umbau verlief so schnell und mit viel Staub in unseren Nasen, dass wir noch nicht mal einen Namen haben :) Der Laden liegt im Herzen der Stadt, Thalkirchnerstr 2, also direkt am Sendlinger…
STORY First off, thanks again for coming down to last months birthday party. It was a great night with all friends and family, although i was drunk out of my mind shortly after midnight and i didnt get to enjoy the many cakes apart from sitting on one of them (still sorry for that). This is our 3rd & Final Date at…
[audio:] YUM YUM Soul Break # 1 by Chrome (James & Bobby Purify, Freddie Scott, the Marvelettes), taken from our latest Mixtape “The Dude“. This is the first Soul Breakdown, pretty short at that, but its will be an entire series (10 parts) and if you paste them all together you will get one long Mixtape.
Last weekends chromemusic bday party was really, really nice and it was great to see all and everybody again, and i am still amazed that almost everyone contributed a new mixtape (8 in total, + counting my new YUM YUM mixtape, act even 9!). really did like that a lot and i guess we are gonna repeat that mixtape campaign and that…