New Kygo and Dillon Francis performing a wonderful and unexpected genre collaboration featuring James Hersey. Follow Kygo on Facebook // Twitter // Youtube // Hypem // Instagram Follow Dillon Francis on Facebook // Twitter // Youtube // Tumblr Follow James Hersey on Facebook // Twitter // Youtube
It’s unknown if “Another Man” is a direct homage to Johnny Cash, but his twangs of guitar are reminiscent throughout the track. One can see why he has the Melodic House genre on his back, sampling jazz, soul, and even the iconic “I Have A Dream” speech in one of his records. Keep moving if you’re looking for that new twerk 140…
Hard to go wrong with anything that’s based on one of Ben Howard’s strongest tracks. Brilliant tune by itself and this remix treats the song with the respect it deserves!
Whitney Houston, Queen of Pop, if only she heard this one. With a slew of Houston remixes always hitting the frequencies, it’s tough finding the ones that breathe life on her classic hits. Lucky for us, Borneland delivers, giving us their signature “acoustic bass.”
Our friend Niklas Ibach just updated his collection of feel good remixes. I am pretty sure this song will be played both at roof top bars in Barcelona and any other venue where you can chill and enjoy warm summer nights. :: Facebook ::
The song title speaks for itself…this is the kind of music I want to hear while I watch the sunset, lying in my hammock with fresh coconut juice out of the shell next to me. Oh or while I dance barefoot and my skin is still heated by the sun…Or….even if you are sitting in the metro right now and nobody around…