The Earth as seen from above. Choose different pictures and sceneries to watch. Great. Go select a country and see the beauty of it all.
Will Ferrels Punishment for doing “Bewitched� with Nicole Kidman. Family Guys Stewie Griffin is on the executing side of this hilarious skit. More Family Guy: Peter and Lois totally baked. Good one. Very funny. Family Guy pt 3. Peter starts working at the Brewery.
Google calender has been launched. Quite useful (as anything google does).
Well, well, well if it isn’t our favourite bad guys who move in silence. Yes, I am talking about evil Ninjas. And in some quite parts like the Georgia University officials have to take action against the growing Ninja problem.
Jack White (from White Stripes fame) and his next Superband. The Raconteurs with their smashy “Steady as she goes�. The track is also to be found in April YUM YUM top tunes list – as seen above. Cost me a good twenty to cop the 7�. Could have almost pressed it myself.
Information & Entertainment: How much of your favourite drink would it take to kill you? Let the Energy Fiend find out. This is truly scary, although we all somehow knew how hazardous most of these chemicals had to be. 350 cans of Coke would do me and 30 cups of Starbucks tall coffee would put me down forever.