Cats & UFOs

Iran Pt.1 – the Seymour Hersh analysis

Seymour Hersh on the US plans for attacking Iran. Middle east and you don’t stop. But somehow the sheeple are not in the position to argue with any of our overlords, bur must obey, produce and comply for our masters benefit. Seymour Hersh, as always, sheds a little light.

Donald Duck in Naziland

“Der Führers Face� – originally titled “Donald Duck in Nutziland.� Don’t know why Walt Disney was making fun of the Nazis, he was an early corporate faschist himself but not the old fashioned kind. Nonetheless funny video.

Let’s bomb Iran – Music Video

MTV REPLACEMENT – Music Video of the week pt 2 Let’s bomb Iran. FUNNY OF THE WEEK!!! Amazing video – and soon too be true. Dead on point information with a great tune to back it up. Sheeple might agree on bombing Iran after this one although it states the opposite. Brainwash is now easier than ever before, because it is ot…