[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2005/12/YUM-YUM-Vol-2-1_21.mp3] YUM YUM Vol 2,5 Download Download The Complete YUM YUM Mixtape Collection | HI-Quality | SUPPORT US!

[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2005/12/YUM-YUM-Vol-2-1_21.mp3] YUM YUM Vol 2,5 Download Download The Complete YUM YUM Mixtape Collection | HI-Quality | SUPPORT US!
YUM YUM: Thanks for coming by last Friday on our last YUM YUM of this year. (it ll turn 06 soon enough). Great night and our guest Schowi did a great job and we made sure to have him back over soon enough. The Floor was packed till 6.30 in the morning and from what I heard we were the only night…
YUM YUM: To sum it up: What a nice band, what a great voice and how smooth can you get? Virginia Nascimentos live gig was outstanding. People turned up late – why? Simple – 3 words: winter – too- cold. But we had a major bash and somehow we had an odd bunch of dj’s. After my set of 2 – 3…
[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/yumyumvol2_chrome1.mp3] YUM YUM Vol 2 – mixed by Chrome Download Download The Complete YUM YUM Mixtape Collection | HI-Quality | SUPPORT US!
YUM YUM The birthday was on last Friday and boy did it go down. You really rocked the YUM YUM Sound. Thanks to all the participating Djs for bringing down the house. It was once again overcrowded, while we did limit our entry numbers in recent months. The guys at the door were probably overrun. I don’t know – simply diddn’t make…
YUM YUM Thanks for making mine YUM YUM. Nice people came down and it was instant massive Also, Friday featured the premiere of a whole lot of new produced mixes – specially for that night – but I had the feeling we were all just warming up for the big birthday bash coming in 2 weeks. Plus, we didn’t start giving out…