Author page: chrome

Beebo Party – next Saturday @ Zerwirk Club

Okay – Sun’s finally turning up for the summer, at least that’s the impression we got on the playground yesterday while we were shooting some ball. Anyhow this is the inbetween weekend coming up. In between our last and our upcoming YUM YUM. What’s there to do this weekend you might ask? We are having our second Beebo Ball at Zerwirk Club.…

YUM YUM – review and YUM YUM Vinyls

The first sun rays of the year came out just in time for another great YUM YUM. So last Friday was off the hook, everything was working smoothly – as far as I could tell, but I really couldn’t because I was completely wasted and far off in La-LA-Land. So to be honest I don’t really remember how the music or any…