Medical Drugs and their little side effects. “Ask your doctor for a reason to take them” Great parody.[tags]Drugs, Medicine, Health care, Pharma companies, side effects, [/tags]
Animal actors and where they are today… Guess where. [tags]Free Willy, Animal, Movie star, Beethoven, Bob, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie[/tags]
new YUM YUM coming this Friday, June 2nd. Its the first one in a new month, so that means there is a new monthly top tunes selction going to be available online by wednesday. So far enjoy todays goody selection. lots of funnies and crankies… [tags]YUM YUM, top tunes selection, June[/tags]
life after the oil crash that is not a horror sci-fi thriller, but plain and simple reality. this is one of the site i visit most frequently when it comes to oil issues, namely the end of it. If you should have any doubt about it, or simply think this is some kind of hoax, then go ahead and read the site.…
Dick Cheneys hunting club – Named Dead Eye Dicks Hunting club. Great site – of course referring to that hunting “accident” where the neo-conservative vice “Grrr”president of the US shot a liberal during his hunting trip. just refreshing memory here – because funny enough – it wasn’t really all over the european media, like it should have. Well Rupert is everywhere… and…
Funniest short of the day – “they are made out of meat“. Another funny parody in our ongoing series about the stupidity of man.After a short story by Terry Bisson [tags]They are made out of meat, Sci-Fi, Terry Bisson, Short movie[/tags]