short funny about working processes (software development): contributed by valentin. [tags]working process, satire, development, software,[/tags]
Do not bring scotsman and congressman George Galloway to dinner. Sky News let him go on live. Hold on to your hats gentlemen. Galloway on Israel and Libanon. ps – George Galloway rips them a new one at the US “oil for food committee” hearing in Washington. Old one and i linked to this before, but worth re-checking. Contributed by Nina. Quick…
Karl Marx’ “Das Kapital” in Lithographs. [tags]Karl Marx, Marxism, Communism, Das Kapital, Lithography[/tags]
YUM YUM : Last Friday was a neat packed party – and after one of the two djs that night (schu) almost fainted, due to some little weakness attack, he had to go home at 1.30 a.m. in the morning while the night was just starting out. So i had to come in and back up Jaws (the 2nd dj) with Schus…
Two great new YUM YUMs ahead of us – Summer seems to make a little comeback or a quick step revisit this weekend and so does YUM YUM. Friday August 18th YUM YUM is back on at Registratur / München and just one day late Tand & Family are running things up north with YUM YUM NRW this Saturday August 19th at…
Had to post it again – we did a club mix of Marys “Enough Crying” track. That YUM YUM version was at first missing from our Top Tune selection, because it wasn’t finalized in time to properly post it, but here you go. Enjoy: “the Break Off” (YUM YUM version). A mash of Marys latest single (didn’t do too good) and the…