Author page: chrome

Stephen Coolbert full length videos

finally morons at spiegel wrote an article on stephen colbert – after he has allready being the next big thing in the states for the last 10 months or so. that’s how fast our oversea correspondence really works. good thing we have mtv and the us top forty to know whats actually happening – not. more full length stephen colbert videos found…

YUM YUM last Friday

YUM YUM: Last Friday was a neat packed party – and after one of the two djs that night (schu) almost fainted, due to some little weakness attack, he had to go home at 1.30 a.m. in the morning while the night was just starting out. So i had to come in and back up Jaws (the 2nd dj) with Schus records…

Ben E. King vs the Police

Funniest Music video in a long time: Ben E. King vs the Police. “Stand By Me”. Truly enjoy this one. Ps. you can download it for a better quality. [tags]ben E. King, the Police, Every breath you take, Stand by me, mashup, video, [/tags]

a selection of Stephen Colberts interviews

Stephen Colbert is the Man! A selection of his outstanding interviews. The Un ambassador of Palau (one of the “countries” that is supporting the US in Iraq). Interviewing homosexual Congressman Barney Frank. The “Break Off” Author Greg Behrendt. Plus the funniest one: Republican Congressman Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia. He makes him his pet monkey. Another “scandal” that he is responsible for: His…

the Anti Advertising Agency

Don’t know if you have ever heard of these fine fellas but the Anti-Advertising Agency is probbaly the most interesting website i have stumbled across in recent months. Very inspirational and too true. Best slogan of their recent Bus Stop Bench project is “You don’t need it”. [tags]Anti Advertising Agency, Oakland, Bus Stop Bench Project[/tags]