Author page: chrome

YUM YUM this Friday with the original team

YUM YUM coming this Friday septemebr 1st. no experiments this time – the original crew: Chrome & Jaws comes clean with the newest YUM YUM selection for September. Available for download from Wednesday on. Looking forward to the nicest dance around. The second area is going to be kept busy by good friends MaiMun aka Djs die Redaktion. This month is going…

Star Wars Fan film

Another fan film off the Star Wars franchise which takes place between Episodes 3 and 4 of the Star Wars Saga. Star Wars: Revelations. Emperor Palpatine’s power has spread throughout the galaxy. Darth Vader is a feared figure. The Jedi are hunted fugitives. Anyone suspected of harboring Jedi or having any information about themis taken into Imperial custody. found via milk and… &

The misuse of chinese letters in western tatoos. I knew it. Most of those pretensious tatoos are just plain and simple wrong. check out . Misspelling and the funky use of english might lead you straight to two great sites. [tags]chinese letters, misuse, tatoos, engrish [/tags]