Author page: chrome

MaiMun Party tomorrow at Zerwirk

Good buddies of ours , MaiMun are having their surprise party at Zerwirk tomorrow night, Friday September 8th. Here is their Poster/ Flyer and also here is their new Mixtape (scroll down till it says “download for free with filefactory” – click it and the next step is to scroll down again, on the next site, till it says click here to…

Policy of Fear

Keeping America scared – This is the way everything has worked and everything has been justified in the last couple of years. Bush bashing has now become a world wide popular trend that had its roots everywhere but the US. And even they are fed up with their current situation and their lying administration and their morally indecent president… We have linked…

Stephen Colbert vs Steven Carell

steven carell vs stephen colbert – an old segment from the daily shows two former anchors. A little piece called “Christianity vs Islam“. Trying to settle this ongoing feud in 3 minutes seems like an easy task, considering they both have one big issue in common. Find out which one… [tags]Stephen Colbert, Steven Carell, Daily Show, John Stewart, religion, Islam, Christianity, Judism[/tags]